Get Involved

Since we are a nonprofit organization we rely on donations, memberships and grants to operate. Your gift will help the Pituitary Network Association promote public awareness of pituitary disorders, provide support to patients and their families, and assist the medical community in developing uniform standards of diagnosis and treatment. You can make a difference with just a small contribution, added together we can accomplish so much.

If you wish to donate, Contact:

P.O. Box 1958, Thousand Oaks, CA 91358
Office: 805.499.9973 | Fax: 805.480.0633 | Email: [email protected]

Spread the Word – Help the PNA raise awareness. Talk to your Health Care Providers ask them to become members of the PNA. Become part of our PNA Community, participate in our Forums, follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Host an event to raise awareness.

Here at the PNA we understand that many people do not have the resources to donate money. With medical expenses and living expenses, some of us are barely scraping by. That is why we have looked for alternative ways to support the PNA without breaking the bank. These options will not cost you anything out of your pocket, but could provide generous donations to the PNA on your behalf. – Something that many of us do everyday can also bring in money for the PNA. Go to and sign up to support Pituitary Network Association. Every time you use the search engine (which is powered by Yahoo) the PNA earns money. This is an easy and cost free way to donate to the PNA. They also have GoodShop and GoodDining, both programs give a percentage to your charity of choice for purchases made. has partnered with some of the top retailers selling all types of products. Just some of the participating retailers are: Walgreens, Lowes, Walmart, Sears, Macy’s, Bloomingdales, Marriott and many others. Please consider the PNA and GoodShop for all your online shopping, donations range from .5% to 20% and they even offer coupons to these retailers. – Similar to the programs mentioned above, Giftback donates 10% of your online purchases to your designated charity.

Without your support, we could not exist. We must maintain and increase our membership base for present and future patients around the world. Annual membership fees pay for this unique, patient-driven website, as well as the Pituitary Patient Resource Guide and PNA-sponsored books and pamphlets, Research, such as the PNA commissioned meta-analysis on the prevalence of Pituitary Disorders and the UC San Francisco Surgical Outcomes Study, Press Conferences, including the joint PNA/American Medical Association News Briefing in January 2003, Patient Congresses, Local Chapters (in progress) and Support Groups, and Effective lobbying that helps all patients with pituitary disorders and their families.

The Benign Brain Tumor Cancer Registries Amendment Act require doctors and institutions to report benign (non-metastasizing) tumors to the federal government. For the first time, we will acquire the number of DIAGNOSED tumors. This will facilitate the availability of desperately needed research funds to study our basic questions: Why are pituitary tumors and hormonal disorders so prevalent? What are the best diagnostic, treatment and preventive protocols?

For more information or to contribute ideas please contact us.

Pituitary Network Association
P.O. Box 1958
Thousand Oaks, Ca 91358
(805) 499-9973

Seventh Edition - Coming Soon!

The Pituitary Patient Resource Guide Sixth Edition is now available! Be one of the first to have the most up-to-date information.

The Pituitary Patient Resource Guide a one of a kind publication intended as an invaluable source of information not only for patients but also their families, physicians, and all health care providers.

It contains information on symptoms, proper testing, how to get a diagnosis, and the treatment options that are available. It also includes Pituitary Network Association’s patient resource listings for expert medical care.

PNA Gratefully Acknowleges Our Supporters