Glossary All, Item, Recipes starting with P
A tiny structure which connects the hypothalamus to the pituitary gland. Composed of blood vessels that carry hormones from the brain to the pituitary and also nervous tissue which transports the hormone ADH to the posterior pituitary.
Glossary All, Item, Recipes starting with P
A patch of bacteria or tissue cells. A patch of bacteria or tissue cells.
Glossary All, Item, Recipes starting with P
Pertaining to being behind another structure – toward the back of the body. Posterior pituitary: The back portion of the pituitary, a small gland in the head called the master gland. The posterior pituitary secretes the hormone oxytocin which increases uterine...
Glossary All, Item, Recipes starting with P
View in the direction from the back toward the front. A term denoting the direction of view or progression, from postanterior to anterior, through a part.
Glossary All, Item, Recipes starting with P
Peripheral quantitative computerized tomography. An imaging technique used to measure body composition.
Glossary All, Item, Recipes starting with P
The inability to menstruate, caused by a failure of sexual maturation and function. Specifically refers to patients who have not ahd any menses whatsoever. Concern arises if menses have not developed prior to age 14. Secondary amenorrhea is loss of menses in a patient...