Glossary All, Item, Recipes starting with S
Below the lips or labium. Surgical incision below the lip, above the front teeth in the gum line, providing access to the nostril, or followed by splitting the palate (bone) to eventually access the sphenoid sinus.
Glossary All, Item, Recipes starting with S
Extending below the sella turcica. The sella turcica is the bony structure at the base of the skull in which the pituitary gland rests.
Glossary All, Item, Recipes starting with S
Above the orbit. Situated or occurring above the orbit (eye socket, orbital cavity) of the eye.
Glossary All, Item, Recipes starting with S
Extending above the sella turcica. The sella turcica is the bony structure at the base of the skull in which the pituitary gland rests.
Glossary All, Item, Recipes starting with S
Impaired water excretion. Water excretion is caused by the hyponatremia and hypo-osmolality resulting from innappropriate, continued secretion or action of the hormone despite normal or increased plasma volume.
Glossary All, Item, Recipes starting with S
Circulating throughout the body. Affecting the entire body rather than a single organ or body part. Systemic disorders such as high blood pressure and systemic diseases such as influenza affect the entire body. A systemic infection is an infection in the bloodstream....