Lisa Schwarz, M.Ed.
Lisa Schwarz, M.Ed. is a Pennsylvania state licensed psychologist, consultant, and international educator working in private practice in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and Beulah, Colorado. She is the developer of the Comprehensive Resource Model (CRM) and has spent the past 20 years dedicating her work to creating innovative methods for working with dissociative disorders (including medical/somatic dissociation), attachment disorders, and gestational trauma. She is a certified Trauma Model practitioner from the Colin Ross Institute, is certified in Ruby Gibson’s Somatic Archaeology, Robert Schrei’s Sourcepoint Therapy, and practices Usui Reiki. Lisa was the Senior Brainspotting trainer in the United States from 2007-2014 until choosing to focus solely on the development of CRM. Lisa’s clinical work and teaching provides a combination of psychotherapy, neuroscience, and spirituality in facilitating holistic healing from traumatic events, medical conditions, and the interaction between these two truths of one’s life. The belief that there is a correlation between pre-natal, pre-verbal, and childhood attachment disruptions and the type, severity, and duration of medical conditions in adulthood is a catalyst for the development of Lisa’s work. She has specific experience in working with survivors of pituitary tumors before, during, and after allopathic medical treatment to help in alleviating obstacles to well-being and joy.

Continuing Education Program