Physical Therapy
The physical therapist will do a detailed evaluation on a patient with their initial visit and establish what the problems are that need to be addressed during treatment. Physical therapists treat patients using a combination of manual therapy, exercise, modalities such as ultrasound, electrical stimulation, heat or ice and education to help improve a patients identified impairments. These may be due to pain, decreased mobility and muscle weakness. These factors individually or combined can create many functional problems which affect the quality of life of an individual on a daily basis. Each treatment plan is customized to the individual patient’s presentation and change during the course of treatment as the patient’s presentation changes. Physical therapists are movement specialists and our goal is to reduce pain, improve motion, restore function and prevent disability. We use a combination of hands-on treatment, exercise and functional movement training to ensure the best possible outcome for each patient so we can get them back to enjoying their lives to the fullest as far as their daily activities, community and recreational activities go. So essentially getting our patients back to life!
For more info including articles on chronic pain and exercise videos go to:
NPPT’s – Retrain Your Brain
NPPT’s Medical Library

Bernardine Thomas, PT, OCS
Bernardine earned her B.Sc. in Physiology and Human Movement Science in 1993 from the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa. She continued her studies there to complete her Physiotherapy degree in 1997. Since graduation, Bernie has followed her passion working in a variety of Orthopaedic Physiotherapy settings both in South Africa and the United States.
She has attended numerous post-graduate courses including several yearlong Orthopaedic Manual Therapy and Pain Science courses with an emphasis in the Australian Approach. In 2005, Bernie was awarded her certification as an Orthopaedic Specialist (OCS) by the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties. In 2015 she recertified as a clinical specialist in orthopedics. She is an active member of the American Physical Therapy Association.
She is a firm believer in practicing what she preaches by maintaining a very active lifestyle. Some of her current activities include CrossFit and mountain biking. When not at the clinic, or working out she enjoys spending time with her family, cooking and traveling.