Musician battles craniopharyngioma

An Irish DJ and music producer with the group Bicep named Matt McBriar is recovering after surgery for a large craniopharyngioma.  Read more:

Social media obsession with “cortisol face” masks true pituitary origin

The term “cortisol face” is sweeping social media, with influencers claiming that stress causes high cortisol levels and leads to puffy cheeks, or “moon facies” that can  be treated with diet, creams or lifestyle changes. But doctors say this is misinformation – and true moon facies come from a pituitary disorder. Read more:

New study challenges link between cadaver growth hormone and Alzheimer’s

A new study raises objections to past research that linked cadaver-derived human growth hormone with Alzheimer’s disease.  Read more:

Pituitary story: At ten years old, 6’3” boy battles gigantism

A story in the Daily Mail recounts the case of a ten-year-old boy from the U.K. names Jayson who stands 6’3” tall and battles pituitary gigantism. Read more:

Pituitary story: 62-year-old Indian man undergoes transsphenoidal surgery

An article in City Air news looks at the case of a man in India who had transnasal transsphenoidal surgery to remove a pituitary tumor. Read more: