On Saturday, September 27, 2014, the Pituitary Network Association presented Dr. Nelson Oyesiku with the prestigious Gentle Giant Award. The PNA’s Gentle Giant Award is given to honor those that present an outstanding contribution and dedication to pituitary patient care and education. Dr. Oyesiku has made great strides in pituitary knowledge, diagnosis, and treatment. His remarkable research and dedication to optimum quality of life for pituitary patients is quite commendable. Following the Pituitary Patient Education Sessions there was a 1,776 Reception. The 1,776 represented the number of successful pituitary surgeries performed by Dr. Oyesiku. The 1,776 was the number when planning for the event began. After the award presentation Dr. Oyesiku told me that the number of successful surgeries is currently 1,971 and he expects to be celebrating 2,000 by November.