Gentle Giant Award – George P. Chrousos, M.D.

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George P. Chrousos, M.D.

Professor and Chairman
Athens University Medical School
Children’s Hospital Aghia
2006 Award Recipient

On the second night of the 2006 December in the Desert Conference, the PNA presented its Gentle Giant Award to Dr. George Chrousos. Dr. Chrousos is a professor at the University of Athens and a leading expert on Cushing’s disease and psychiatric disorders caused by hormonal imbalances. He is the former chief of Pediatric Endocrinology at the National Institutes of Health.

The keynote speaker for the ceremony was Nobel Laureate Dr. Roger Guillemin, who talked about the history of acromegaly. Guillemin, a distinguished professor at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in San Diego, California, won the Nobel Prize in 1977 for discoveries that laid the foundation for brain hormone research. His work brought to light an entirely new class of substances shown to be important for the regulation of growth, development, reproduction and responses to stress.

We are proud to count both Drs. Chrousos and Guillemin as members and supporters of the PNA.

George P. Chrousos is Professor and Chairman of Pediatrics at the Athens University Medical School. He has focused his research on the hypothalamicpituitary- adrenal (HPA) axis and has extensively studied the neuroendocrine alterations associated with mood disorders, sleep, pain perception, and immune function. His laboratory is recognized worldwide for its work on the glucocorticoid signaling system, diseases of the HPA axis, such as Cushing’s syndrome, and the physiologic and molecular mechanisms of stress.

Dr. Chrousos has contributed immensely to the biomedical literature and his work has provided new insights into a variety of chronic complex disorders. He has written over 1000 scientific papers and his work has been cited in about 35,000 other scientific articles, an irrefutable testimony to the importance and influence of his research. He is one of the most cited physician scientists in the world (ISI highly cited). His work has educated a broad community of physicians and scientists around the world. As a mentor, he has helped to develop the careers of many young physicians and scientists, several of whom are now professors and chairpersons in Europe, the United States, Australia and Latin America. An outstanding teacher, he has had a number of visiting professorships and given prestigious lectures throughout the world.

Dr. Chrousos has received numerous national and international awards for his work, including election to membership in the prestigious American Society of Clinical Investigation and the Association of American Physicians. He was recently inducted as a master of both the American College of Endocrinology and the American College of Physicians.

“Dr. George Chrousos has served as a leader and role model of Physician-Scientists in the field of pituitary medicine. His investigations have been carried out with a precise scientific approach, but always based on clinically-relevant questions. His interest in the interactions between the brain and the hormonal milieu has led him on a focused journey through the territory of the pituitary and its target, the adrenal, to clarify for patients and clinicians alike the importance of endocrinology in psychosocial medicine. For this body of work, his dedication and support of patients throughout the world, the PNA owes him a debt of gratitude.”
– Dr. Sylvia Asa

“I have known George for almost 20 years and there is no doubt that he is one of the premier researchers all time in the field of pediatric endocrinology. During his tenure at the NIH, he brought adrenal gland research to a new level.”
“I have to thank George for two things in particular. First, when I was at UCLA, he interviewed for our vacant Division Chief position, but, for whatever reasons, did not take the position. That was good news for me because I got the position. I am forever indebted. Second, one of my recent fellowship graduates, Dr. Maria Karantza, a Greek national, recently returned home to Athens and took a position with George. Maria was one of the best fellows I ever had and I have entrusted George with the further advancement of her career. I know that she is in great hands.”
– Dr. Mitchell Geffner

“Few Physician-Scientists have come close to the term. Dr. Chrosous embodies the descriptor better than anyone else I know. For decades Dr. Chrosous has made his mark by leading a world-class research team. However, what has set him apart was a constant eye for the clinically relevant. Always focused, introspective but with utmost humility, he has provided us with an outstanding role model.”
– Dr. Shereen Ezzat

“Chrousos in ancient as well as modern Greek, means gold. George Chrousos, our gold standard in endocrinology!”
– Dr. Roger Guillemin

“If there is such a category, Dr. Chrousos has earned the designation of both a ‘patient’s doctor’ as well as a ‘doctor’s doctor’! His devotion to the plight of children and adult patients with pituitary/hormonal disorders is by now legendary, world-wide! What is only known in the medical community, is that his devotion to the healing arts is such that he gathers the universal admiration and respect of other world class physicians. Having observed him in many countries, I know a good man when I see one. He is indeed a Gentle Giant.”
– Robert Knutzen

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