News Articles July 2024

Hormonal Disruptions and Pituitary Tumors

An endocrinologist in India discusses the hormonal disruption experienced by pituitary patients. Read more:

Novel Cushing’s Treatment in Phase 2 Trials

The pharmaceutical company Lundbeck  is now in Phase 2 clinical trials to assess a “potential first-in-class” treatment for Cushing’s disease called LuAG13909. Read more:

Pain in Men vs Women: The Role of Hormones

An article in Very Well Health looks at a study on how pain is produced and felt in women versus men. The researchers found that the hormone prolactin lowered the threshold to activate specialized sensory cells called nociceptors in female cells but did not in male cells.   However the neuropeptide  orexin B had the opposite effect. This could have implications for pain management, as women make up a large percentage of patients seeking treatment for pain. Read more:

Hormonal Disruptions and Pituitary Tumors

An endocrinologist in India discusses the hormonal disruption experienced by pituitary patients. Read more:



News Articles June 2024

Can machine learning improve diagnosis of hormone imbalance?

A study in the journal Academic Radiology looks at the use of machine learning to analyze pituitary MRI images (radiomics) and clinical data – and finds it is helpful in the diagnostic process to differentiate between growth hormone deficiency and idiopathic short stature.  Read more:

Personality changes after pituitary surgery

An article in Medical News Today looks at the personality changes patients can experience after undergoing pituitary surgery. They include mood shifts, depression, anxiety, irritability, aggression, confusion and apathy. Read more:

Study: 80% remission rate after 2nd Cushing’s surgery

An article in Cushing’s Disease News looks at a study from the journal Pituitary that found that 80% of patients who had a second surgery for Cushing’s Disease achieved remission. Read more:

North Carolina Congressman battles pituitary tumor

Congressman Greg Murphy from North Carolina will be undergoing surgery to remove a pituitary macroadenoma. Dr. Murphy is also a urologist. Read more:

Ohio stuntman fights acromegaly, jumps cars

An Ohio news station featured the story of Raymond Kohn, who jumps the General Lee car over big ramps at stunt shows as part of the Northeast Ohio Dukes. But there’s a twist – Kohn is also battling acromegaly and had transsphenoidal surgery to remove the tumor. Watch the story:


News Articles May 2024

Does a form of dwarfism improve cardiovascular risk?

A study in the Journal Med looks at the longevity of people with Laron’s Syndrome, who have low-growth hormone signaling that causes a form of dwarfism but may also confer lower risk of cancer and heart disease. Read more in the Daily Mail: or consult the original study:

Case study: Surgical Treatment of Pituitary Macroadenoma​s

A study published on looks at the case of a 48-year old woman with a pituitary macroadenoma. Surgeons removed the tumor but she suffered post-operative complications that required extensive management. They conclude that this type of surgery is complex and requires individualized care.

Acromegalic receives special-made shoes​

An article on features the story of an acromegaly patient in Venezuela who holds the record for the world’s biggest feet, according to the Guinness Book of World records. The man, named Jeison Rodriguez Hernandez, has size 26 feet and gets his shoes special-made a company in Germany. Read more:

Study: Female Cushing’s patients develop more new diseases than men after treatment

An article in Cushing’s Disease news looks at a study published in the journal Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism. Researchers found that women were more likely to develop additional diseases than men, when in remission after treatment for Cushing’s syndrome. Read more:

News Articles April 2024

PET/MRI and Cushing’s Disease

A study in the Journal of Nuclear Medicine finds that PET/MRI may be more effective in diagnosing Cushing’s Disease compared to MRI alone   Read more:

Patient with hypothyroidism, Addison’s delivers twins

An article in the Times of India recounts that story of a woman whose ovaries were not functioning due to Addison’s disease and hypothyroidism. Once treated, her condition subsided and she was able to conceive and give birth to twins, a remarkable feat.   Read more here:

Study explores link between erectile dysfunction and gaming

Researchers in China looked at the effect long hours of gaming had in men aged 40-69 and found higher levels of TSH, which are involved in sperm production and hypothesize a link between screen time and elevated risk of erectile dysfunction.   Read more here:

Patient story: ectopic Cushing’s went undiagnosed for years

A story in Cushing’s Disease News looks at a study concerning a man whose ectopic Cushing’s, caused by a lung tumor, took many years to be diagnosed. Researchers blame ignorance on the part of nonendocrine providers.  Read more here:

News Articles March 2024

Comedian Amy Schumer battles Cushing’s

Actress and comedian Amy Schumer revealed that she has been dealing with exogenous Cushing’s Syndrome, apparently triggered by steroid shots. Read more:

Here is a Q and A about it from the University of Virginia: Read more:

4th dose of Pfizer Covid vaccine linked to expansion of pituitary tumor

The Journal Cureus features a case report from Thailand about a woman who experienced sudden blindness after taking the 4th Pfizer Covid vaccine. Doctors believe it caused a pre-existing pituitary tumor to enlarge and press on her optic chiasm Read more here:

Article on the case report:   Read more here:

Pituitary Journey: Headaches, enlarged hands lead to diagnosis

An article in tells the story of a woman who suffered from debilitating headaches for more than a year, and then started noticing her hands aan feet were getting bigger. After multiple trips to the doctor and the emergency room, she demanded an MRI, and that’s when she got the diagnosis: acromegaly. Read more here:


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Available Now!

The Pituitary Patient Resource Guide Sixth Edition is now available! Be one of the first to have the most up-to-date information. The Pituitary Patient Resource Guide a one of a kind publication intended as an invaluable source of information not only for patients but also their families, physicians, and all health care providers. It contains information on symptoms, proper testing, how to get a diagnosis, and the treatment options that are available. It also includes Pituitary Network Association's patient resource listings for expert medical care.

If you are a nurse or medical professional, register for PNA CEU Membership and earn CEU credits to learn about the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment options for patients with pituitary disorders. Help PNA reduce the time it takes for patients to get an accurate diagnosis.

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Available Now!

The Pituitary Patient Resource Guide Sixth Edition is now available! Be one of the first to have the most up-to-date information. The Pituitary Patient Resource Guide a one of a kind publication intended as an invaluable source of information not only for patients but also their families, physicians, and all health care providers. It contains information on symptoms, proper testing, how to get a diagnosis, and the treatment options that are available. It also includes Pituitary Network Association’s patient resource listings for expert medical care.

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