Statements that manufacturers and providers of CAM therapies may make about the effectiveness of a therapy and its other benefits can sound reasonable and promising. However, they may or may not be backed up by scientific evidence. Before you begin using a CAM...
Here are a few things to consider when selecting a practitioner. If you need more information, see the fact sheet “Selecting a CAM Practitioner.” Ask your physician, other health professionals, or someone you believe to be knowledgeable regarding CAM...
NCCAM supports clinical trials (research studies in people) on CAM therapies. Clinical trials on CAM are taking place in many locations worldwide, and study participants are needed. To find out more about clinical trials in CAM, see the NCCAM fact sheet...
While some scientific evidence exists regarding the effectiveness of some CAM therapies, for most there are key questions that are yet to be answered through well-designed scientific studies-questions such as whether the therapies are safe, how they work, and whether...
Yes, there can be risks, as with any medical therapy. These risks depend upon the specific CAM treatment. The following are general suggestions to help you learn about or minimize the risks. Tell your health care providers about any complementary and alternative...
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